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Bill Pay & Insurance Management

The family of an affluent former banking executive noticed a decline in his ability to handle personal affairs and was introduced to Arcus through their accountant. Arcus stepped in to work closely with the client to ensure that bills, household repair needs, mail and insurance issues and disputes using a Limited Power of Attorney were handled. Arcus categorized all financial and personal information for the family and the client is elated that he can have the confidence in a partner like Arcus to ensure his independence and control over his affairs.  

The family of an affluent aging former banking executive noticed a decline in his ability to handle his personal affairs and was introduced to Arcus through their accountant.

Arcus stepped in to work closely with the client to ensure that bills, household repair needs, mail and insurance issues and disputes using a Limited Power of Attorney were handled. Arcus then categorized all affairs for the family to understand.